Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What would Vanessa Do? Take a break.

   Wow, it has been a while since there was a post that was even remotely interesting.  It has been really hard to write anything this year and it's almost halfway done!

I was going to post a follow up on my 2012 goals a few months back but I was bummed that I didn't meet them.  Let's just say last year was hard.

Here is a recap on what those goals were:

Got sick, three days later ended up with legwarmers

-Latest Rage 12b (check),
-Watt's Tots 12b (check),
-Latin Lover 12a (check),
-Doritos 12c (sent May 2013),
-Full Heinous 12c (check),
-Cool Ranch 12a (check),
-Vision 12b,
-Energy Crisis 12b (check),
-Take a Powder 12a,
-Crack Babies 12b,
-Full Magic Light 12a,
-Made in the Shade 12c (crazy hard)
I hope to climb into the 13 range this year as well
So that makes six on this list, not included but sent was:  Planet Mechanic 12a, A Day in the Wife 12a (Riggins, ID), and Liquid Jade 12b = 9 routes.  

Shortly after this post was written up, I lost complete motivation, which is ironic since it was about being inspired!  I practically took the entire summer off of climbing and found something new, motivating, and helped me work out in a fun way.
Aerial silks took me away for 3 months - thru the Bend Circus Center

I came back feeling better than ever.  That break was necessary for me to bring back the psych.
Then came winter, I am a huge wuss when it comes to being cold.  So then I discovered Hot Yoga in January!  After a 3 month break with a fill in of yoga, climbing just felt good again which came just in time because it seemed like every other week I was going away for some trip somewhere.
Locust pose after 2 months of hot yoga!
Needless to say, taking a break every now and again has been very good for me and I encourage the same for others who get burnt out on whatever they are doing.


Next time:  Bishop and Vegas!

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