Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Facebook relationship status rebuttle

First lets start with I'm obviously bad at this whole blog thing. I dont update, check it, or know how to do anything on it. That is until now. I'm learning my intardweb technique and now I can go full force into my rants!

Facebook relationship status: I have no problem at all with the idea of "confirming" my relationship on Facebook. I just find it funny how its almost required to change your status to in a relationship to somehow make said relationship real. All of this got me thinking though about what was the facebook relationship update of our parents time. Basically how did they advertise that they were dating someone without the brilliance of social media.

I feel the closest there is would be for the girl to wear the guys letter jacket. It shows that the girl is taken by the guy with the name on the back of the jacket. Since it was a smaller world then i think it matches rather nicely. I still feel that Facebook is only good for making fun of people and looking at photos, but thats a whole other rant entirely.

When we finally "officialized" our relationship, we recieved 11 comments and I didn't understand why Vanessa choose really bad photos to depict our relationship. Turns out facebook did that.

Now onto everyones favorite subject...

ROAD APPLES! Every climber has known one, but doesnt even know it yet. The term road apple is not something that I invented. I'm just trying to add it to the climbing lexicon as soon as possible. The honor of this great term comes from a good friend of mine. This is how a road apple was described to me...

A road apple is a reference to women in the climbing industry that has "worked" there way up the food chain so to speak. Basically, its the lady you see in a ton of ad's and pictures in every mag, but her climbing skill doesnt seem to equal her advertizing clout. Normally, a road apple is dating the photographer and when she's not dating him she's dating the latest and greatest strong man. They will work there way up the food chain like a virus and attack anything with a sponsorship, digital camera, or trust fund. It all makes sense once you know the references.

First, you got to think of an apple on the shelf at the market. Its perfectly shiny and looks great and might taste great also. Unless you buy that apple and take a bite, you'll never know if the apple is bruised, sour, dry, wormy etc. The problem with that apple just like that girl in the photos is they both look amazing, but once you get the background story then both the apple or the girl dont seem so appetizing anymore.

All road apples were once brand new on a shelf of perfect apple. But, once that apple has fallen off the shelf, you have to start to worry. To many poor, unsuspecting victims have succumbed to the road apples tricks.

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